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Unwanted Digital Workbook

Don't just read the book.
Read your story.
Rewrite it.

What you'll get:

[DISCLAIMER: This digital workbook does NOT include a copy of the book Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing. You can purchase your own copy separately here.] 

What People Are Saying:

I have been wrestling with unwanted sexual behavior for 20 years of my life. I have carried so much shame not only for my behaviors, but for the desires behind those behaviors. Now with shame being minimized, I have more compassion and kindness for myself. Unwanted has led me into engaging my story deeply in a way that has brought new hope and excitement for the future.


I re-imagined redemption in light of my story. I now see that my pain is a guide. I no longer run from sexual fantasies, but seek to understand what they are telling me. I enjoyed the process of going through each question as both a cognitive and emotional journey.


I grew up in church believing lust was only a man's issue and held a lot of shame and guilt because of it. This book showed me I was not alone. It showed me what I was feeling and why. I have never loved myself more and never loved God more than I have after reading this book. I am so grateful. It has truly changed my life.


Reading the book is a fantastic start, but the workbook stakes you even deeper. I think reading the book is one thing, but doing this deep work of excavation for the young boy inside you is critical. It's been extremely helpful.
